Monday, August 26, 2013

Give me YOU

be true to you, be yourself, be you

If you're like me, you occasionally look through your own feeds. And while checking over your social media pages you smile at what you show for yourself. The smile isn't there because of the likes or the comments or even the new followers, it's there because you like the display you've set up for yourself.

How are you representing yourself?

It's important to represent yourself (and your family) to this world of friends and strangers in a true light. Sure, we typically expose the good times more than the bad times but hopefully we're always staying true to the real you (us).

So when scrolling through your Facebook page, your Instagram pics, your blog roll does it really match the image you see in the mirror? Yea, we all are prone to airbrush out a wrinkle or a zit, maybe shadow this or brighten that and while that's totally normal, I'm talking about something else. In moments of quiet, in stillness of nights when you're rolling around trying to find sleep does your "feed" really match what exhausted you of your day?

Sometimes I question this for myself. There is no possible way for me to IG or blog all that my days contain, there are so many times I wish I had better documented but for what I do get up I ask is it accurate? This weekend as I waited for my youngest to fall asleep I scrolled through my facebook, my instagram and other rolls. In this point in life where I'm meeting new people, building new relationships and oddly taking a step away from daily blogging.... I found myself curious in the "true to life" game. I wondered if these new people would recognize me within my social platforms. I wondered if friends of blogging, etc. would agree that I am what they read and view.

I took time to think hard about this. I examined if there were areas in my life that needed improvement, needed enhancement. I think for some it's sadly the opposite, There are some looking for ways to enhance their feed, examining opportunities to make themselves look better. I wonder why waste energy on pleasing others in this way. Why plump up life with things not true to you for what becomes a pseudo happiness from likes, comments, and followers.

I believe in finding happiness in our own reflection. I believe beauty is shown in many ways. I believe in satisfaction from our quiet times, our nights out, our days "off screen" being complimentary to what we show to others in this socially screened world.

I think this is called authenticity.

I want to always be transparent. There have been times that I've struggled through bad habits or tough patches in life and chosen to not be explicit in those situations yet I've not been able to hold back some of the emotions brought on by those times. Close friends can see through those posts that tap danced around deeper feelings, they see the chords being struck by a pin or an Instagram image. I take comfort in that, not shame. There's strength in our weakest times. Always.

I guess my point to all this is a matter of check and balance. Are we really everything we present to others? Do we really believe in the belief we're giving to others? Are you as sure of the beauty you hold in every fashion post, every fitness tip, in every laugh you send through the web?

Be your best self. Be positive in yourself. Be concrete in your abilities and your place in this world. No one ever really has it all together and we're all working towards whatever our lil' hearts yearn for. Never try to be someone else. We need YOU. Never settle for less than what you would urge others to do or to have. And always stay true to yourself while growing into more of the awesomeness you already hold.

be perfectly you, be you, be free
Life is always changing around us. It's always bringing us new challenges and possibilities. If you're busy making everything perfect or wasting time removing what someone might consider bad than you are probably missing out on the rawness in life.

I'm grateful to be at a point that imperfections don't worry me so much. I'm grateful to be carefree of judgement over the good and bad. Someone will always have it better, someone will always have it worse. As for me.... I fit in right where I'm supposed to be. I'm grateful for my spot to grow from, love from and give from.

Not your typical weekend recap post but it's what I felt inspired to share. Something lead me to blog this, to share these thoughts. I hope that you can appreciate it on a bright and sunny, came to soon Monday morning!

much love peeps!

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Linking with Weekend Shenanigans, This Weekend I, Monday Morning Gossip

...happy to have Merrie with me this month...
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Mallory said...

LOVE this! We really get to chose what we show people in our little corner of the Internet world and hide what we don't want people to know. Reading your own blogs and Social Media feed allows you to reflect, change and improve :) Thanks for this Monday inspiration! Let's get together soon!

The Pink Growl said...

LOVE this! I was actually looking back at some of my FB and IG stuff over the weekend and wondering this!

Jen said...

I love this, I always strive to be the best version of me. :) Hugs!

Unknown said...

loving this. I often wonder if how people portray themselves is a true reflection of who they are. I hope that most people take the "be yourself" approach!

Cece @Mahogany Drive said...

Love this! I'm going to keep that in mind next time I scroll through my feed. I think it's almost impossible to show your true self on social media in little snippets but I think it's definitely something to strive for. Be authentic. Don't worry about being liked.

Kaitlin said...

Awesome, much-needed post!

Unknown said...

Love this and love you! There are always room for improvements, but you have to love you! ❤❤

Liz @ Fitness Blondie said...

Life isn't always all rainbows and butterflies and I have so much more respect for people who aren't afraid to write "life isn't perfect right now". I would much rather read that then fluff. great post.

Lindsay Erin said...

So true. I think about this every time I post a picture. Is this something that defines my character? Would it make people look/act differently toward me? Am I going to regret it in the future?

Anonymous said...

Such a great post! Sometimes we need to look at ourselves and realize that what we are is enough. The people that love us will do us in good times and bad. We tend to only want to write about the good times, thinking people only want to hear the bright and sunny side. Which simply isn't true. They want to know the real you. No matter what place you are in. Thanks for the reminder!

A said...

I absolutely love this post! Thanks for sharing hun. It's so true and lovely reminder!!

Have a wonderful week xx

Unknown said...

Love this. Thanks for spilling your thoughts!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

This is so beautiful and so well written. And so true!!!

Anonymous said...

This is such an inspirational post!
I think it's hard with social media to show who you truly are, oh my goodness even with a blog it's hard! Haha.
For me, being me and projecting the things I choose is enough :)

Kate @

Laura Darling said...

I love, love, love this! I am glad I'm past the point of worrying about what people think about me, but it is so important to present yourself well! Important balance to find!

Katherine said...

Great post, Kristine!

I'm hosting another giveaway on the blog. :)

Amanda aka Manda said...

I love this! I wonder the same thing a lot of the time. Your post is really making me think and examine things. Thank you!

Torrie said...

Totally! I think the thing that scares me the most isn't usually that people see the imperfect side of me---it's more that they just won't think my life worth reading about. Deep down, I know it doesn't matter how many views or comments or followers I get in a day, but somehow, in this media-crazed society, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that those are the most important things.

Thanks for directing me to your blog :)

Julie Lynn said...

I couldn't agree more with everyone's comments. What a great post. I think being comfortable in your own skin and being your authentic self is something that comes with age but I wish it was a lesson I had learned much earlier in life. It really is so easy to get caught up in the perfection that social media can portray, so what a great reminder to stop and check in with yourself. Really really loved this.

Janna Renee said...

Great thoughts! I try to show both sides, but then we have more good times than bad, so some people say we are "too" perfect. I can't help that opinion. Hehe

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful post, and I completely agree!! The most important thing is to stay true to yourself (unless someone is just a nasty person to begin with, then I think they should work on becoming a kinder soul XD).

I found you through the blog hop, and am now following :D

Unknown said...

I know you wrote this a few weeks ago, but i absolutely love this. this is perfectly YOU, girl. and Im glad you shared it. while i love to do a little photo editing (ok alot) I strive to say what i mean and mean what i say. to be real with my personality and failures and thoughts on life...little by little, being so transparent is becoming my favorite part of being me. =)

Jackie said...

Wow - what a great post. I'm actually posting this week about being true to yourself, so funny :) and a much needed reminder every once in a while!!

Katherine said...

you need to post, girl! miss you!

Diary of a Debutante said...

This is such a great post :) It's so important to stay true to yourself, and when you're constantly focused on portraying a facade of perfection, it's really easy to lose yourself. I needed to read this! Hope you have a fabulous weekend, lady.

Diary of a Debutante

Nicole | Pharr Away said...

My goodness, Kristine! This post is just confirmation about all I've been feeling this past week. I've been thinking quite a bit about authenticity especially in relation to social media. Although I never want to come off as negative, I never want to paint a picture of perfection either. So I've been making a point to be more raw with my photos and open with my posts. Not all the time and with everything but where appropriate! I love when I see others being this way and it makes me want to follow along and read their story too, especially when I can relate!!!

Lacey at Sunny + Turquoise said...

Hi Kristine! Just wanted to say I was thinking of you tonight and missed your posts, hope you are doing well girl!

Kimberly said...

just wondering where you have been! KIM

Alex[andra] said...

I'm with Lacey and Kim! I miss reading your posts! I hope you're well!

Kayla MKOY said...

I loved this SO much! Such a great thought provoker!

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

I definitely have miss reading your post. I dont think i've been able to find you for now mths. happy to see your post again.

Liz @ Fitness Blondie said...

I miss your blog!!! I hope you're doing girl.

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