Friday, July 19, 2013

My favorite Photo Editing Apps: with a pic of our new home!

Hello FRIDAY!!! Today, I'm showing my top photo editing apps! I love taking pictures, I love editing pictures, and I love having pictures fill the walls and shelves of my home. A lot of  the pictures you see on the blog are taken with my iPhone. It's become really, really easy to have quality pics from your phone and with these apps, you can tweak and perfect just about any picture and add some flare and personality too!

My favorite photo editing apps

If you don't have this app, stop right now and download it. I mean it! I love, love this app. I depend on it for editing almost every picture. Camera+ can brighten dark pictures, darken over exposed pictures and has over 36 filters to continue the tweaking. This is the basic photo editing app everyone should have and be using. You can take photo's with this app or upload from your iPhone library.

As it claims... it is collage made awesome. I used it above to show the different filters of Camera+. I flip over this app. It offers 60+ collage options and you can even cut your own. How cool! If you like collages, you should absolutely download this app.  Really, the app does more than collages, it also has photo editing and text or labels too! You can take photo's within this app or upload them!

beautiful mess app image and description
Beautiful Mess
You crazy if you didn't think I would list this app! It's super fun and it gets the creative juices flowing. This app has tons of free and paid fonts, doodles, and sayings it's hard to just use one! You can be as outrageous as you want with your overlays and designs or stay on the plain side like me! And, it's recent update now lets you undo your work, something I desperately needed.

Rhonna Designs
My all time favorite app. This gem is like a black hole for my existence. I can literally burn hours playing with all the bells and whistles this app offers. If you love Beautiful Mess, you will die for all that Rhonna Designs can do. I don't even have time to list all that's available within this app. Just download it. And have fun!!! OH, and "masking" you can do that with this app! I used it for yesterdays post and love playing with that effect!

All of these pictures are from our time at the beach this past week... one other picture we got this week came from Lucas's sponsor. She was willing to do a drive by of our new home in Colorado and sent us this picture!! Now the daydreaming is really getting more real!!!

ETA ----> 7.29.13

What are your favorite photo editing apps??
I want to know!

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Linking with 5 on Friday, H54F, tids+bits

...happy to have Jordyn with me this month...


  1. Beautiful home! I am so excited for you and envious of your move to such a beautiful state. I am sure it is bittersweet knowing that you are leaving friends and family but I'm the adventure you are embarking on will be a great one. :)

  2. Those look like fun. I will have to check out Fuzel and Beautiful mess. I don't use my phone for pics as often as my camera. I use Pixelmator for Mac. It's $14.99 but you can try it free for 30 days:

  3. Android needs to step up their game! At least two of these (Fuzel and A Beautiful Mess) are only available on iTunes. Tear. :(

  4. Omg I can't wait to try these out!!! I love posts about apps! Always lookin for good ones!!

  5. I'm soooooo glad you posted this! I was trying to find fun new phot editing apps and these are awesome! Thanks so much friend!!! You're awesome! Hope your move has gone smoothly and you and your family are adjusting well =)

  6. These are the days I wish I had an iphone! I just use IG and Photogrid. Boo....loving your new house! YAY!

  7. I haven't heard of some of those, I'll have to check them out! The Rhonna Designs one looks awesome!

  8. These are awesome! I just wish some of these were on Android! I've been waiting for A Beautiful Mess forever.

  9. Thank you so much for sharing these, I have been looking for good picture editing apps!


  10. What a beautiful new home!! I hope everything goes smoothly. :) Funny thing about photo editing apps.... For almost a year I thought that's all Instagram was. I didn't know it was social media, haha. I would just fix my pictures and then put them on
    Facebook or something!

  11. Oh my goodness! Thank you for sharing these awesome editing apps!! I am definitely going to have download a couple that I didn't have!

    And your home?? Beautiful!! Congrats, lady!!

  12. I've seen Camera + before, but I hadn't heard of the other ones! I definitely want to try Rhonna Designs!

    xo, Hima
    Hima Hearts

  13. Checking out Rhonna Designs NOW, great 5 On Friday post theme! I love it! :)

  14. I'm totally bummed that these aren't offered on android! They look super great!

  15. Love these apps. I don't use any but will change that after reading this post! I'm not sure if I should get the Beautiful Mess app or Rhonna Designs??? Decisions, decisions!

  16. These apps look like a lot of fun. I will sure to check them out. New follower on bloglovin.


  17. Looks great, will definitely love to check out soon. You looks stunning in casual top.


  18. I don't have any of these! I need to download them! Can I just say that I squealed when I saw your new house? I'm so excited!!

  19. This makes me wish I had a personal iPhone! I have a work one, but my personal phone is an Android. I love it but posts like this make me wish I had an iPhone 5!


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  21. I've just downloaded it and now going to try it out and I hope that I will be pleased after using it. Thanks :)
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  23. Hello, thanks for your list of editor. I think they all cool. Maybe I will download some of them to check. I want add another one that will good if you work on MAC, here it is:

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