Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Trying Stitchfix 1 more time....

Stitchfix. My thoughts were "oh how cool, someone sends me clothes, I fall in love with them, possibly buy some and have fun creating a post" ehhhh, not exactly how it went....

Stitchfix Shipment numero uno

It's ok, you can laugh at me. I haven't a clue what you do on your side of the screen :) Personally, I was thrown off by my first shipment. I mean, where's the fun maxi dress I see on every other Stitchfix post? I kept searching the box for a pretty bracelet or necklace. But it seems I somehow created a profile that pegged me with these 3 tops/style options. hmmmmm. I will say the hot pink cut-out shirt is cute, I like the color and the fit. The printed blouse was actually cute too. Can you see the tiny screws, wrenches and bolts? Not a typical print but definitely something this momma of two boys could get down with. And then there's peplum and petals.

Stitchfix Shipment numero dos

We're getting closer. I think my problem is... I say yes to everything. even questions on clothes. Oh sure, I'd love to dress up, oh yes, I like peasant tops and pastel plaid. Really, Kristine?! But still, I think I did better with the questions and received better choices this time around! Don't you agree? These options were cute. Full of static but cute. The dress was something I would no doubt wear again. And the card that suggested the navy blue top be paired with grey and camel was appreciated. I wouldn't have ever tried that combo and really it's a good look. The tops I sent back with no problem but the dress and I had a serious debate.

Have you tried Stitchfix?
Basically you pay $20 to start and if you purchase something from the items they ship you then your $20 goes towards that purchase. If you choose to not purchase any of the items personally styled just for you based off your answers to a fashion questionnaire then you simply ship items back. (this is free) The packaging is pretty and frilly for us girls and each piece has a style card with two suggestions.

I have to say this may not be my thing! I love, LOVE seeing everyone else's posts go up, I think you all look amazing in your pieces. Those are the reasons I wanted to give Stitchfix a try! But once I got the chance (twice) I just felt a leeeeeetle weird about it all. I couldn't even look up at the camera, I just wanted to laugh! Partially because my husband helped by taking the pictures (!) but mostly just out of awkwardness. And lets not even talk about the panic I felt for those 3 days. I was uber worried my boys would get into the set of clothes or dog hair would sneak into the box. Geesh. Am I the only one who worries like this?

Moving on.

This week, I've worn...

And a whole lot of gym clothes. These are easy outfits. Not much fuss and simple. Maybe too simple but I like it this way. I definitely think the second shipment from Stitchfix was closer to the kind of items I was hoping for. I'd love to get some help/ideas from them for changing up my "everyday easy wear".
Fingers crossed this next shipment will be just right!

Happy halfway point peeps!
The weekend is in sight :)

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Linking with Random Wednesdays, WIWW, Trending Pretty, Wednesday Walkabout, I Feel Pretty

...happy to have Max with me this month...maxoutwidget


  1. Oh.Emm.Gee!!!!! I am obsessed with the 3rd one on the first group! Prob my fave outfit on you!! And I love the 3rd dress in the second group! You look gorgeous sister!!

  2. I do Stitchfix. I have gotten one package so far. I was pleasantly surprised. I sent two things back. My next one is scheduled for June. I think you LOOK cute in anything.

  3. I absolutely love your tank in the last set of pictures. The flower details are so pretty!

    The Grass Skirt Blog

  4. I love that you say to everything, I would totally do the same thing and then get a little eh when the box came! I love the plaid with the white jeans though, relaxed chic.
    Love, Laughter and Lipstick

  5. i never tried it! i'd be afraid i wouldn't love them and loss out on $20! i love love love the third outfit in the top row! so cute!!!!

  6. You're being too hard on yourself! You look amaaaaazing in all of those pictures. The dress is probably my favorite, though. You are gorgeous!

  7. I haven't ordered mine yet but I'm curious about what I will get! To be honest, I kind of love your outfits! Everything looks awesome on you! But if it's not your style, it's not your style!

  8. I've been thinking of trying stichfix, but am still not sure yet.

    Love your pieces though :)!

  9. The coral dress is the perfect color for you! And the navy top is really nice, too. I had never heard of this before, but I don't think I could do it -- I would end up spending way too much money!! I have a hard enough time as it is keeping from hitting the purchase button while window shopping on modcloth. It is a really fun idea though, and you look great in all 6!


  10. Dude. You got some great stuff... I really would have a problem saying no if I subscribed... You're a strong woman to send things back. lol

  11. Wow, I love that hot pink top, you are workin' it! The printed blouse is pretty too. And that dress! How can you say no to that? Stitch Fix requires a lot of self control, huh? I just applied, excited to see what my box holds.

  12. That dress looks AMAZING. I hope you kept it!

  13. Oh my goodness, all of these outfits are wonderful! You look amazing! :)

  14. Bummer on the stitch fix! I haven't tried it myself (currently pregnant) but I love seeing what other girls get in their box. I loved the pink cut out top and the peplum on you, so pretty! Visiting today from the I Feel Pretty link up ;)



  15. Oh I have been wanting to try stitch fix for awhile now! So fun that you tried it but good to know as far as the questions go! You have great style anything would look great on that little body of yours!

  16. Love all of them!! PS Did you get my email about registering your virtual 5K for free with Women's Races?? :)

  17. Never heard of it, but I just signed up! I would love to hear more! Prices, reasonable? I'm dying to find a personal stylist who doesn't make me look like a modern fool! Classy and covered is my thing... when I'm not in workout clothes ;)

  18. I haven't done the StichFix thing. I think I'm too picky. But I really do love that dress on you, great color!


  19. You're so cute no appreciate your honesty.

  20. Ugh. That was supposed to say I appreciate your honesty.

  21. Laugh at what?? I think those outfits are adorable! My favorites are the brown shorts outfit and the coral dress (want!)
    I've never heard of stickfix but I just went sign up... so if I don't want any of the clothes do I get my $20 back? That's important!

  22. he, he! Not I guess not everyone was meant to be a fashion blogger. Including ME! I don't look all that fab most the time and when I do I'm usually rushing off to get to the place I got all dolled up for. Having built in shopping come straight to my door is not a good idea for me at all! I'm fighting my shopaholic tendencies as it is but I really love the concept of stitch fix.

  23. I love the shorts your wearing in the first set! Are those from StitchFix? I really want to find a pair like those! I think you look great in all the pics! I've done 3 stitchfix's so far and they are slowly getting better with each one! I feel like some tops are cute and some are totally not me... so I know what your saying! I'm actually taking a break from it for a couple months so I can't wait to see what is in your next one!

  24. I actually love all 3 looks in your first box - they all look great on you! And momma of 2? Shut the front door! I thought you were probably like 22!

    Stilettos & Sequins

  25. I've never heard of this before! It has definitely peaked my interest so now I want to give it a spin of my own! Great post!

  26. Ha! I felt the same way about Stitch Fix and tried it twice too. I felt a lot was repeats of things I already own. Your pics are gorgeous and I know how you feel. I get all weird too about the pics and then I hide my Stitch Fix box on a high shelf so the kids won't get into it. EESH.

    Come link up with me at Watcha Wearing Wednesday-

  27. Oooh I love the coral dress in shipment 2 - so pretty on you!

    The Other Side of Gray

  28. That peplum top is adorable! And that coral dress is SO pretty on you! I haven't tried Stitchfix...I think I'm too picky to let them pick out the clothes for me :)

    The Tiny Heart
    Target Giveaway!

  29. I just recently scheduled my first Stitch Fix in couple weeks, I'm really excited! I've seen some cute things that others have gotten so I'm looking forward to seeing if they can nail it with me.

    Too bad there wasn't a 'workout gear' category though, huh? :p

  30. I actually REALLY like everything you got...especially the top with petals on it...that's super cute. I haven't tried StitchFix and I doubt I will...I just don't think I would end up keeping any of it...but never say never...who knows...maybe I will jump on the train and see what they think "my style " is :)

  31. You shouldn't worry so much. From my view you look absolutely stunning. I created a profile with them and I am now on their waiting list. Following you via Bloglovin' Collective.

  32. You are stinkin adorable. The first set looks less like you, since I know you so well ;) I like the last set best. The top on the left with the flower is cute with your skinnies. But, you rock anything girl. Look up, your too precious. Even when you feel awkward, you DO NOT look it!

  33. You look cute in EVERY SINGLE ONE! I feel weird about the whole picture thing too. I'm sure your hubby is proud of you though. Have a great weekend hun!!! xo

  34. I'm super picky about clothes, so I don't think that would be my thing either. However, you look super cute in anything, so if you didn't tell me that you weren't a huge fan then I wouldn't have even known!


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