Friday, May 3, 2013

I Love Me a FRIDAY

Where did this week go?
Don't hate. But the week just zipped right by! I can't decide if I want to make that a complaint or a blessing.
But, I have decided I need a message. Anyone not nodding their head in agreement to the idea of playing dead while someone rubs out every knot is getting quite the odd glare from me.

My knee is no better, in fact I think it's worse. Tennis ball? yes, it's still undefoot.  Zina gets all kinds of bothered when I snatch her tennis ball and dominate it for hours. Of course this is after stretching and foam rolling. My cry for help with foam rolling was answered. Have you noticed the pretty in pink MAXOUT banner below each post? Not only is that now an option for you but we scored big time when I offered the spot to Max in exchange for all her knowledge on being cool and foam rolling. Deets come out next week! Patience friends. Hang with me a while or just go hang with Max. And once your side cramp from laughing eases come back and check out all the other pretties on the sidebar! Love them all :)


1// yes, we not only have backyard pajama parties but also half naked parties. Landon being the only one half naked. Little man would run butt naked if allowed. I love snuggling up on him and the late evening hours of daylight allow many more kisses in the day.

2// my track star! Lance has bounced around different races at each meet but seems to have found his best placement in the 800m relay race. I couldn't be more proud of him. It's a lot of hard work between track practices, meets and studies but he's on top of it all!

3// Goodnight kitten. Goodnight mittens. Goodnight lady whispering hush.... Goodnight moon.

4// Loverboy came home twice this week! Sneaking in a 'hey come home from work' message in this post totally worked. After some fun and lunch, man did what man does. He napped. Love him :)

5// Wanta be a groupie?
Ok, this is new to me but I'm loving it and think you will too! Ashlee shared this little idea with a few of us. we each thought, yes - this is wonderful! And now, we share it with you. Using Passion Fruit you can have your blog/shop ad on 6 blogs during the same month!! All the juicy details are here. Go ahead, dig in check out the other bloggers and see what you think!

- I think it's a bit obvious by the workout clothes that I focused on All The Way Strong this week! I'm beyond excited by each of you that have joined the challenge. While my right knee is killing me (I think it's due to tight IT band) I'm still getting in my runs. I'm doing the 30in30 again but this time with Nikki at The Pink Growl. It's been 3 days and I've logged 6 miles so far. For my mind and soul, I plan to clean out a closet this weekend (barf) and kick back with my sister, we're getting all the little cousins together! OH, and the AFAA class... that's all been fixed!! I'm registered for June 8th. Lots of studying happening 'round here!

*Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.

Aren't you excited for the foam rolling tips?
I am! Foam rolling is SO helpful and beneficial, once you know a few moves, it's easy to do!!

Happy Friday peeps!
Any fun plans for the weekend?
Or fun workouts?

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...happy to feature Max this month...maxoutwidget

Photobucket Real Food RunnerLet Them Eat Cake AND Weekend Bloglovin Hop


  1. i'm sorry your knee is worse!! I love that first picture - so cute!

  2. Boo to bad knees and hips! My injury is finally starting to not hurt when I walk. Took long enough!

  3. Foam rolling is the absolute best. I only discovered it about two months ago and I absolutely LOVE IT. I can personally thank those rollers for saving my legs and back. However, now that you mention it, a massage sounds absolutely divine.

  4. Your kids are the cutest! Love the pic of your husband! He is amazing for what he does!

  5. hopping by from H54F.
    Oh, I so want to do the groupie ad! Don't think I can do $60 this month (sad face)...but do you think you guys will do something like this again?!
    I just ran for the first time in 4 years the other day...and I didn't die! Woo hoo! Thinking that 30in30 challenge needs to be on my to do very soon!
    Eva @ Snappee Turtle

  6. Oh no, I'm sorry your knee is worse :( PS I got your email! Didn't have time to respond yesterday but I will today!

    The Tiny Heart

  7. Can't wait to hear about the foam rolling tips. I've been told I really need to try that. Sorry your knee isn't better. Hopefully it will be soon. PS: Backyard PJ parties are the best!

  8. Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Hope your knee starts to feel better! Could your kids get any more adorable!! Oh and have a good weekend! #allthewaystrong

  10. oh, i just want to bite your baby's chubby legs, lol! He is the cutest....(don't think im weird, i bite my toddler's legs all the time, lol)

    Rest those knees, ma'am!


  11. So sorry that your knee isn't feeling better. Hope you are able to enjoy your weekend!

  12. Visiting from TGIF Friday. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at And who knows, you may just get featured next week.


  13. a massage sounds AMAZING right now! I want one! I want one! Love seeing all these fit pictures! You go girl!

  14. Thank you for linking up at Weekend Bloglovin Hop!

    I LOVE your blog Header & blog design. ☺

    Iris♥ @ The BlueBirdhouse

  15. Congratulations to Lance!
    and I hope your knee feels better soon.

  16. I am very grateful that I have crossed your site. Your content was very great that I cant stop reading each post that you have. I hope for the best outcome of your site. Thanks


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