Monday, April 15, 2013

The Kind You Just Want More of.... {Weekend Recap}

I know we all have those weekends we wish would never end.

This was truly one of those weekends.
Hubs and I took some time out for just the two of us, then spent hours in the sun with our boys and the rest of our weekend was surrounded with as much family and friends we could fit in the backyard.

That time for just the two of us? yea that was spent downtown Richmond in a crowd of 32,000+. We had no wrist bands, no haute outfits, instead we wore race bibs and running shoes. Up bright and early we got our youngest to the sitter and said goodbye to our sleepy tween. After waiting WAY TOO LONG in line for parking, shuttle bussing, and porta-pottying we finally joined the wave one behind what we'd signed up for. All was well and Afrojack began my soundtrack for a 6.2 mile race along side the best running buddy a girl could ask for. High fives, a quick dry heave, and Florida Georgia Line Remix concluded those 62 minutes.
(more on those 2 minutes and all that fun later!)

Lance is already showing signs of the dreaded teenage years. He'll be 13 this summer (yes, I know CRAZY!!) and the typical sleeping late, "I know more than you", and this is what the cool kids wear issues are slowly creeping in. We got home from the race around 12ish and walked right in to him passed out on the couch. Rough night of partying kid? When did he grow up so fast? We reeled him back into reality with lunch cooked on the grill and playtime outside in the summer like weather. There was so much to get done in prep for Landon's bday that his help watching and playing with Landon was hugely appreciated!!

Getting a 2 year old to sit pretty in an attempt to recreate last years birthday pic was a dream I had to let go. While I'm thinking I may get him in agreement with this idea later in the week, this just wasn't on his list of things to do on his birthday!!! Couldn't blame him, there were trucks, balls, friends, grandma's, grandpa's and chocolate cake to worry about. Oh and lawn mowers. Little Landon is still my barefoot baby and he's still so in love with anything daddy can when gifted with a kid style lawn mower crank sound effects in all, he lost sight of everything else. It went down as his proudest moment ever to start up that mower and cut grass. My BFF long time caught in him playing in the balls and collaged it against last years pic.....

uh, how awesome is that?! Look at all the changes in one year! I'm forever grateful that she caught these pics and love looking at them together!! Naturally I'd be the first to like it and if allowed by IG I'd keep liking it 100 times over! Landon was such a good boy at his party, he loved each and every present and more than that, he loved up on everyone. He got uber bashful during the Happy Birthday song, something we'd practiced all week and wouldn't tell a soul how old he was but I think he knew this was a day all about him.
I know he loved every minute of it :)

Once I crack through all 300 thousand pics from Saturdays race and Sundays birthday party, you can bet I'll post more. And hopefully, fingers crossed I'll get the perfect pic with those letters T.W.O.

Happy Monday ALL!!! 
Hope your weekend was filled with love and happiness!
We've got Lance's first track meet today, so excited for this!!!

*If you're feeling lucky check out this giveaway I'm part of. 
Tarole's got a reason to celebrate and she's gathered up a few of us to spoil one of you!

**And there's this one still up and running too! Have at it!!

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Linking with Weekend Shenanigans, YOLO MondayBlogLovin Hop, Monday Mingle
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Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink said...

I love the TWO pic as you have it now! It totally captures Landon. Such a cute kid.

Cereal with Chopsticks said...

Looks like you had a great weekend! Too cute!!

Caravan Sonnet said...

Ahhh I can't wait to hear more about the race!! I was thinking about you on Saturday and was hoping it went well!
P.s. umm... those pics of Landon are sooo adorable!! Love them!

Julia Z said...

i love the TWO photo you have now.. perfectly describes a two-year-old! Looks like a great weekend, can't wait for the race recap!

Jess Casey said...

Your son's hair omg!!! Beautiful.

Melissa said...

I wish I knew you were running the Monument 10K too! Hope you had a great time and I can't wait to hear more about it!

whit | Black Little Button blog said...

Looks like a grand time, I saw all the pics on instagram :)

Kaylin said...

my weekend was the kind you want more of too!!!! It is hard to get a two year old to sit!!! Looks like a blast :)

Katherine said...

wow- looks like you had a fun filled wk/end!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it! Looks like that ball pit is a blast. It's really amazing how quickly a year goes by!

PS. Love the dry heave comment because you know everyone else is agreeing!

Jen said...

I'm so glad you 2 got time to yourself, you deserve that.

Emily said...

Congrats on your race! And i love the side by side pictures of your little one! After my youngest nephew's 2nd birthday I found a picture of my sister's older boy at his 2nd birthday party and it was so sweet to compare the two pictures of the boys in the same high chair with cake all over their chubby cheeks!

Alex[andra] said...

I didn't realise you lived in Richmond! I was just there a couple weeks ago (blogged about it here: If I come back, I'll let you know. :)

Looks like a great weekend!

Good job on finishing the race!

Helene said...

i like how your idea of fn is running a race- you crazy! but I love it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 10K! I'm a runner myself! =)

Recent Post: Evy's Tree Giveaway

Adrienne @ The Art of Being Black and White said...

Little love bug...first, let's switch bodies! K?!
Umm and how adorable are your babies!!
Love the dry heave part...very relatable and realistic, but Georgia Florida Line makes it all better, plus your hubs too ;-)

Jennie said...

What a fun weekend!! I feel like weekends get so much better when the weather gets warm and you can spend time outside! My weekend was not long enough!

Annie said...

What a perfect weekend, friend! You are amazing for all you do--and you've inspired me to start training for a 5K with my dad :D we're hoping to enter one in the fall!!

Blush and Barbells said...

Awesome time on your 10K! Congratulations!

Maxine said...

Great 10K!!! how was the run? Mine was a little painful but nothing new shoes can't fix ;-)

Ashley said...

You'll have to share the songs that's going on your soundtrack for your run!

Glad you had such a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Ooo Fun 10k !!! And adorable photos of the little guy!

Janna Renee said...

It is so great to be able to compare those two pics! What a difference a short time makes ;)

Unknown said...

Love that you have photos of the same setup, to see how your little man has grown. He is a doll! 13? Oh crazy! My oldest is almost there :( . Dry heaving? Not good!
Excited to read your race recap!

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