Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans...

I'll admit...I do have the hardest time spelling Shenanigans. Sorry Sami, I'm one of those!

*note to self....chin down, chin down when taking pictures

Four days off in a row and I only went shopping once. Hard to believe but that's what happens when your husband is off those same 4 days too. womp, womp! Would you believe we are still "celebrating" St. Pats Day? We were lucky enough to have warm sunny skies as we sipped beer and barely escaped the delicious smells of funnel cake and (omg) fried chips drenched in cheese sauce without caving. Some things just aren't fair. Neither is pushing a jogging stroller weighed with a 30 pound toddler through the crowd as the front tire deflated. How and Why must this happen? Couldn't it at least been one of the back tires? And couldn't I have had just one of those fried chips?

1// yes, it was Thursday nights fun but technically that started our weekend.
2// killer workout! Got myself back into TRX mode and polished off a WOD w/ hubs.
3// pretty and simple, spring outfit for Saturdays festival.
4// Beer drinking in front of St. Patrick's church is only normal one weekend of the year.
5// And that's how Landon feels about his flat tire and empty ice cream cup.
6// But at least he can now hang with the big kids in the bounce house.
7// Busted bracket. Sorry Wucas, now you can go back to wearing Hokie gear....
8// Made Cranberry Orange and Almond Energy Balls, easiest recipe ever!
9// spring blooms on the trees. BUT as of Sunday - covered in snow :(

As for my March fitness goals linked with March Madness hosted by Shanna!
I have...
Met my 30in30 challenge by this evening!
Worked out 3+ times per week.
Much closer to gaining sponsorship for fitness instructor classes!
Still need to...
Set PR for 10K that's only 3 weeks away!
Sign up for a Barre Class and another race!

I've got a week left to this month to get the last of my goals accomplished and I'm proud to have checked the other three off my list. Spring is near which means summer is close. These TO DO's are getting DONE! A big thank you to Shanna for getting us all together to help each other stay accountable!

And, that's a wrap!
Schools out today, so home with the kids, yayyy for now a 5 day weekend!

It's March Sponsor Giveaway time! 
Lots of Ad Space and Starbucks $$ up for grabs :) 
Meet the FAB ladies that have been with me this month and 
enter to win!!!

And to not let the GIVEAWAY fun end there....I'm participating on a few more this week!
Hooah and Hiccups (Coach bag!)
In Her Boots (11 giftcards)
Living In Yellow (giftcard galore and boats of Ad Space)

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Linking with
YOLO Mondays, Weekend Shenanigans, Bloglovin Hop, Monday Morning Gossip
Pin It!


Ashley @ said...

I really think St. Patties day should be a week-long celebration. Let's be honest here. Looks like you had a great time!

Katie said...

ready for things to not be covered in snow too!!

The Grass Skirt Blog said...

Even with your chin up, I think that's a pretty picture of you!

Mandell said...

Chambray, and white, and mint...ahhhhhh!!! Love outfits like that!
Also, can not believe the snow that dumped on so many people this past weekend! Spring is certainly here in Texas, we spent the weekend on the river! Although, in typical Texas fashion I am back to jeans and boots today...

Alex[andra] said...

Oh how I miss bouncy houses.

5 day weekend? Lucky you! Enjoy! :)

jackie jade said...

fun weekend! there was a groupon for pure barre around me last week, so i got a groupon for 2 weeks of unlimited classes. i'm excited/nervous to give it a try!

Unknown said...

Looks like you had a great weekend. Visiting from yolo monday's link up. I'm hosting a link up on Thursday. Would love it if you joined.


Life Through Preppy Glasses said...

sounds like a fun weekend! I was in Barcelona for St Pattys day...the Irish pubs were packed!

Unknown said...

That sounds like a great weekend! You guys are such a cute couple!

Julie-Becoming A Navy Wife said...

Sounds like such a fun weekend! Sorry to hear about the flat tire..that kind of weird stuff happens to me all the dang time. Story of my life! Lol. Makes for good stories though! Love the denim top with the white pants. So cute!

Samantha @ Designer in Teal said...

SO FUNNY! We were at the St. Patty's day festival thing too this is my post on it! We cheered on VCU too! CRAZY

XO Samantha

Unknown said...

I always have to tell myself "chin up" in pictures because more often than not I end up with a double chin from scrunching my neck down too much!

Janna Renee said...

I have to remind myself "chin down" when someone tall is taking pictures. I always want to look up at them. Haha
Looks like a fabulous weekend!

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