Monday, March 18, 2013

Miss Denial & Weekend Giggles

No really, call me Miss Denial. I hardly got a thing accomplished this weekend and have no desire to believe it's actually Monday. And, it's currently sleeting and snowing, why must this happen after a week of spring?

Reasons I avoided housework and other necessities to mommy hood...

....I was busy feeding this kiddo LEMONS and....

1// happy girl. out to lunch with hubs!
2// you can not eat PFChangs without ordering their lettuce wraps.
3// fortune. wasn't nearly as fun as I expected, but I got that one covered!
4// gym time. It's what the cool people do  ;)
5// spring love! our daffodils are finally in bloom. yet, as of tonight - it's sleeting and snowing?!
6// how's that for good luck? Caught a rainbow during our St. Pattys celebrating.
7// night out for us, woop!
8// not a beer drinker. I'd never betray my vodka like that. Hubs, he is the beer lover.
9// blowing off more responsibility by driving out to the country for our Sunday afternoon.

and lastly, another reason not much was accomplished this weekend was this guys epic fail.....

no worries. He got right back up and tried again. It's brilliant (in theory) to place a trampoline under the basket ball hoop but in all reality, at least for my doesn't get you any "air"!

Keeping you abrief on my challenges this month....
Up to 21 of 30 miles in my 30in30 challenge! Boo-ya! I'm just gonna say that the row machine is now part of my exercise routine. That thing is addictive, partially because it stares at you with these evil,ugly eyes as if to say, I will make you mine and also because it left me sore for the entire weekend. That's proof that the damned machine works and I need to be doing it. Try it next time you're at the gym. I dare you to do like me and knock out a mile in 30 minutes. Tell that machine who's boss! The cleanse is way over (you'll finally get the recap this week) and we're doing great with choosing more healthy foods and cutting back the sweet and salty options!

And yes, I will be following you via Bloglovin and you can easily follow me there too by clicking here. But don't abandon GFC just yet. It's only March, who knows what's up between now and July. Just a thought. an opinion :)

I'm excited to bounce around and catch up with all of you through your weekend recaps!
If you joined the 30in30 challenge, let me know how you're doing! Let's cheer each other on!!

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Linking with YOLO Mondays, Weekend Shenanigans, This Weekend I, Life LatelyMorning GossipI<3 Bloglovin


  1. Hahaha, that's a hilarious picture of your son! So glad he didn't get hurt in the process. Love it. And ya... I have grown to love the row machine! xoxo

  2. First first of all love of changes lettuce wraps. Second glad your son is ok! That picture looks awful. The row machine is a BEAST! You go girl! And it sounds like you had a fabulous weekend! I'm holding out a little longer for gfc. More so because I don't want to try to make any big changes right now...seems too intimidating. I will eventually get around to it though...

  3. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! I think that it is ironic we all in blog land are so concerned about the discontinued google products, especially with how much technology changes every day :-) I am using feedly now, which looks pretty good.

  4. Your little guy is SWEET; yes I have added you to Bloglovin'

  5. lol ohhhh no!

    this is too cute and funny!!

  6. OMG your son and the trampoline! Too funny but I am glad he is okay! Your little guy is super cute btw!

  7. new follower via the life lately link-up. i'm a new(ish) air force wife who, like your hubby, quickly fell into the role of co-parent when i married my single dad husband. looking forward to getting to know you!

    b @ then there was we

  8. Hey girl! Found you on Monday Mingling :-) New follower here and I'm ADORING your bloggy. Happy Monday!


  9. I agree - never know what might happen until July. LOL... Sounds like a good weekend:)

  10. Love your pics! You are adorable and so is your little one :-)
    Totally ok that you got nothing accomplished, sometimes that's what best on the weekends. Hope you're having a wonderful Monday!

  11. That pic of your son is hilarious! I'm glad he's smiling :)
    Found your blog via Sami's -- sounds like a great weekend!

  12. That lemon picture is hilarious! Too cute. :)

  13. I just found you through the Monday meet up! I love your "fitness for mom" posts! I need some inspiration to work out and get rid of my pregnancy jiggle!

  14. Yumm!! PF Changs is amazing. Looks like you guys had a fun weekend!

    xoxo Jamie

  15. Looks like a pretty great use of time if you ask me! Glad you had fun!!!

  16. I thought your son jumped through the trampoline by the way the picture looked, lol!
    I agree about gfc - although google reader may go away, did they ever say gfc will too?

  17. Oh my gosh--poor Lance!!! Glad he wasn't hurt and got right back up! And Landon is wayyyyyyy too stinking cute!

  18. New reader here and you are adorable!

  19. Woah...what champ for getting back up and trying again. Basketball MVP in the future???? And I agree who knows where this whole GFC will go! But is seems blloglovin' is the place to be these days! ;) Hope you made it through Monday!!

  20. i love lettuce wraps! and I too am in denial about the snow today. where is spring????

  21. Love the pic. Never had a lettuce wrap. What is it exactly other than something wrapped in lettuce I'm guessing. and the rainbow is pretty. yea i'm ready for spring


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