Friday, March 15, 2013


Anyone remember this post? ah, that was the day Helene hooked a sista up. She sent out the question, how do you read blogs?  hundreds and hundreds of people answered. kidding, it wasn't hundreds. but, she spurred a lengthy conversation which convinced me to make the move to Bloglovin. Love it! Other answers included, Twitter. Agreed, it's ri-dunk-ulous just how many blog post are read from my twitter feed. Then there's still good ole' blogger dashboard. Ever opened blogger with all intentions to work on a post and off you go reading blog after blog?! no worries people. Google Reader disappearing isn't the end of the world :)

But, if it's your main source for reading blogs then check out some of these links....
My New Fave Reader: A Bloglovin Tutorial
Importing Google Reader Feeds into Bloglovin

and if you're used to GFC hops and hoping to find new blogs while getting exposure, consider these Bloglovin hops...The Foley FamilyPeacoats and PlaidStylelixer, A Dose of Paige, The Life of Faith


1// just a lazy afternoon at the park :)
2// kettlebells and 60 min. step class was just what I needed. BTW, 20 miles down in my 30in30!
How are you ladies doing? It's been fun tweeting progress stats with you!
3// these boys light up my world. 
4// with the weather warming up, our cleanse finished, and Landon' bday party next month we had enough reasons to splurge on a new grill. 
5// I am so guilty of sneaking in a bag full of clothes (every once in awhile) but never ever have I just come home with a new car! We knew we it was time for a new SUV but geez, hubs didn't mean the next day!!

Happy St. Patty's Day weekend to all of you!!
We'll be enjoying our city's annual street festival :)

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.

Any plans for celebrating St. Pattys Day?
Are you following Heart Shaped Sweat via Bloglovin or some other way? I want to stay connected with you! Leave me a link in the comments so I can follow back!

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  1. Love the pics!!!! Sad about Google Reader - but definitely am going to look into other options! Bloglovin sounds like a good one. :)

  2. Haha why thank you! And I am following you on bloglovin, or course!!

  3. Yay for nice weather!! And you are seriously too gorgeous, girl... love your outfit in the first pic!

  4. Looks like an awesome week! And you are rocking it on your mileage for 30 in 30...go lady!!!

  5. Oooh I LOVE your cute outfit in #1 - SO cute! AND WOW you are SERIOUSLY doing awesome in your 30 for 30 yea!! :)
    happy weekend!
    :) rebecca

  6. I'm a bloglovin' convert too! It seems really easy to use and I think I'll be happy with it. I think this weekend is when I'll start transferring everything over. I added the bloglovin follow button to my blog, but now need to import all my google reads into bloglovin.

  7. awe. Happy Friday tho my dear! Enjoy your weekend.

  8. I love your new car!! :) Happy Friday!

  9. Oh my goodness, that picture of you and Landon is absolutely adorable. Your sure do have yourself some REALLY cute kids! Also, I love your new SUV!

  10. Thank you for those links, I will for sure be using them!


  11. One of the best posts get regarding Google Reader since you shared link ups and articles!


  12. Ok can we still read blogs on Dashboard?? I really don't want to switch over.. =(

  13. Great blog! My sis, Beth from Clothing and Cocktails sent me your way, glad she did, I am a new follower! Yay!

  14. Following you on bloglovin now too! Have a great weekend!

  15. Aww, love this! Congrats on the new car. :)

  16. I have been on Bloglovin' for awhile, but I usually read through my blogroll or the blogs that pop up in my email through comments. I like to keep up with the blogs that I have a relationship with ;) I think I will start doing more with Bloglovin' now, though. Now everyone is getting signed up for it!

  17. Hi Kristine, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (, and I’m visiting from the Super Sunday Sync.

    Thanks for the great tips on what to do with the demise of Google reader. It's been the talk of the town lately, hasn't it?

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. If you ever get a chance, stop over to my blog to say hi! Have a great day…

  18. Oh my gosh, you came home with a new car! :) How awesome. Fun story, too!

    Thanks for the link love to my post!

    Gayle | Grace for Gayle

  19. Your boys are so stinkin cute!
    I'm into fitness, and obviously you are too. I'm curious, what type of diet do you stick to? And any tips on losing baby weight after I have my little guy? :)


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