Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Acceptable for Work

...I took these pics during my lunch hour and you could say that cardigans are necessary to my job.(freezing office!) If it's not a cardi or sweater, it's scrubs with an over sized scrub jacket. Which do you call worse?

gingham shirt, work outfit

Seriously, there wasn't a single cloud in the sky and temps were near 70. Absolutely beautiful day in which I did not want to return to work from my lunch break. This kind of sunshine also dilutes the fun pinkish, coral hue of the gingham but that's a more than fair trade off!

gingham shirt, work outfit

Just 24 hours ago there was snow on the ground? how is this normal for VA? Or, really anywhere? It may not have been much but it was snow and ice. wait, is this a weather report? whatever, today marks spring!

gingham shirt, work outfit

Until I can wear this button up with cut offs and golden legs...I'll be crying. It's really the whole reason I own a shirt like this. Sure it looks fab layered under a sweater or tucked beneath a cardigan but all in all...I can't wait to be wearing it with shorts and flippy-flops, open with a fun T showing! I'm totally "one of those" that whine for summer just as soon as spring starts ;)

guess who's finally using those Carrie Underwood tickets?
this girl! It's tomorrow night, I'm so excited :D

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Linking with I Feel Pretty
Random Wednesdays, WIWW, Walkabout Wednesday, Whatever Whenever Wednesday
and The Best of Friday Style Link-UP

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Anonymous said...

The cutest work outfit ever! ;) You look darling.

Unknown said...

I'm digging the gingham!

<3 Daryl

Lindsay @ Pursuit of Pink said...

I talk about a cardigan in my post today too! You look fab as always my dear and I am so with you on the weather, can it please just stay warm for a LONG time?
And yay for Carrie Underwood, you are going to have a blast, can't wait to hear all about it!

Unknown said...

Love the purple gingham! And yes, it is totally normal for VA. I said the same thing yesterday. So glad I found you via The Pleated Poppy!

Kaitlyn (Keeping up with Kaitlyn) said...

Love your outfit!!

Anonymous said...

Oh shorts how I miss you.... I wore shorts the other day b/c well it was actually above 55 degrees. Probably still too cold and then realized OH MY GOSH I have vampire legs! AHH! I miss the sun. sigh...

Today's Post on Eloquent English: Ella Lane Giveaway

Lacey at Sunny + Turquoise said...

I need to jump on the gingham bandwagon!! I am right there with you complaining until I can get a golden tan. Have a blast at Carrie!

Helene said...

you are so cute! I love this outfit! pink gingham, yes!

Kotryna Bass said...

you look very cute, but also very professional! great outfit!

Because Shanna Said So said...

I hear ya....I need a tan...these white legs have got to go!!!!! You looked presh in this outfit and yay for no snow....for the time being. Geesh!! I feel for ya, lady! I couldn't do it!!

Jamie said...

Youre so cute! Love the skirt with the boots.

Traci Michele said...

I love your whole outfit!!! And I'm super jealous you get to go see Carrie Underwood! Take me??

Katie said...

i'm jealous of your warm weather! on my way to work today it was 12 degrees! those boots are so cute! i love them!

Sienna said...

i love this outfit, your boots are so cute

gayle said...

If you're allowed to wear scrubs to work, what are you doing in a skirt? ;) Just kidding! You look great! And jealous of your Carrie Underwood concert tomorrow, I would LOVE to see her live!!!

Gayle | Grace for Gayle

Ruth Alvarez said...

very cute!
I love the casual look!
come visit :)

Unknown said...

Look at that cute lil ensem, soakin up the sunshine! What a glorious sounding lunch break! And I'm like you- I whine during the winter for warm weather, and then I whine in the heat of summer that I want to wear a hoodie....

Laura said...

Jealous of your warm weather. I'm in Canada this week and it's crazy cold. Love this look with the fun print and the cardi. And your boots are great!! Have fun at the concert, I bet it'll be amazing!

Maxine said...

I love this look on you!!! and those boots.... I die. I need them!

Lindsay said...

The light in these pictures looks gorgeous and warm! And I love those boots!

Blush and Barbells said...

lovely outfit, and I hope spring comes quickly for you!

Unknown said...

Love the outfit! I just found your blog and I have enjoyed reading through your posts. My husband and I are firm believers in modeling healthy habits of eating right and exercising for our 2.5 year old son. Healthy eating and fitness is a family affair at our house!

~Anchored In Christ~ said...

I love this whole outfit. Can you come down and give me some pointers and take me on a shopping spree. your number of comments. How do you do it? I so feel like a newbie everytime I come here b/c well..........I miss so much and I love your blog so much. cleaning out now b/c i'm tired of missing blogs that I really love for blogs that are just blah

Anonymous said...

Such a cute outfit!

New reader visiting from Rekita's (A Lovely Blog Hop) blog.

I see you mentioned you're in VA. I am, too. NAVY wife here! ;)

Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

-Christina P.

Rachel said...

I've never been a cardigan fan, but in your case, I can see why you choose cardigans! And you really do look cute!

amyp said...

Cute outfit and I love your boots!!

Ashley said...

I LOVE, love love that outfit. I honestly would have never
thought to piece that all together.

&& lucky you for having that weather!
I'm beyond jealous.

Unknown said...

Love your outfit! Obsessed with that pink top! New follower from the bloglovin' bloghop!

Jamie & Kristen

Unknown said...

I love the outfit! I think it is perfect for an entry in to Spring!


Abby said...

I am with you on wanting it to be summer, love flip flop weather! New follower on bloglovin! :)


Dustykatt said...

I just stopped by from A Lovely Blog Hop to spread some love. I'm glad I did. Following everywhere. :)

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

I am kind of obsessed with cardigans! I absolutely love this outfit - you are so gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Just wanted to say that I love your blog and am so happy to have found it! Cute outfit too!!

Have a Beautifully Blessed day | Jayma

Adrienne @ The Art of Being Black and White said...

How cute are you?! Those boots are killer and you look adorable! I wear scrubs to work everyday, not sure if I would be down with actually having to choose an outfit every morning. I suppose I would if I had to :-)
Hope you have a great weekend chickadee!

Kimberly said...

Your the cutest! Love the boots/shirt the whole outfit is great.

sburton1130 said...

New reader! Love everything about this outfit. Especially those boots!

The Mrs. and The Momma said...

Hey girl! I just adore your cute style!!! I know what you mean about the gingham kinda just begs to be worn with a summery outfit. Nonetheless, you styled it perfectly! Newest follower here! Thanks so much for linking up with the BEST OF last week! Looking forward to seeing your next outfit!!!
xx, Kristen

The Mrs. and The Momma

Alison @ Get Your Pretty On said...

That is one seriously cute work outfit on one seriously beautiful girl! Thanks so much for linking up this week.


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