Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Obvious Choice....and the best 1 minute EVER

Sometimes you just go with the obvious.
As in, hearts for Valentines Day....

bleeding heart shirt, valentine day outfit for mom
When your daytime plans include a Valentine Party for 20 toddlers, heart shirts are the obvious choice. You just go with it and assume the obvious, like, other toddlers will be wearing your same outfit and probably half of the nearby high school and wonder how many Leona Lewis jokes you'll hear in one day.

bleeding heart shirt, valentine day outfit for mom

Then you remember it's cool, you're cool and you're husband is amazing. You remember noticing the oddball outrageous purchase that showed up on the bank account just a few days ago. And, you get all excited for that purchase because it was to Stub Hub. You're so sure that it must be for the two of you since this time of year is not just for Valentines Day but also your wedding anniversary. You count the years married. one, two, three, four. And think yes, we'll be getting a night together and I may finally get to wear that dress purchased back over the holidays. The kind of dress you just can't leave behind but really don't know when or where you'll get to wear it. 

Then it gets better. Your mind escapes to food. ahhhh, simple easy treats like 1 minute cookies in a mug and healthy, sweet treats in simple packaging. You whip it up and sit all your coolness.

mom and her coffee mug, valentines day mug

basic recipe used for a warm batch of chocolate cookies cut down to size...of course, melt the butter first.

cookie in a mug recipe, make a cookie in a mug recipe

mix all ingredients (flour last) in the mug. one dish people, that's it. stir well, heat in microwave for 1 minute.

cookie in a mug recipe, make a cookie in a mug recipe

Does it get better than that? Well, maybe. You could drop a scoop of ice cream in there or if you're really in the mood for a sweet treat and cookies aren't your thing...try this one minute to happiness.....

yogurt with chocolate chips, make yogurt taste better

Brilliant. Best 5 minutes spent browsing Pinterest and best 1 minute spent in the kitchen.

So really you don't need the whole box of chocolates, you don't need anyone to gift chocolate to you.
You just need one minute and a spoon. And you can state the obvious in your attire...and get away with it.
At least I think you can...

post signature

Linking with Random Wednesday, WIWW, Workit Wednesday, Walkabout Wednesday, Style Sessions, WhateverWhenever, Look What I Got  -cookie recipe found here, tweaked just a bit.


  1. Love that sweater! Where is it from?

  2. I love your heart shirt! so cute for this time of year. I am going to try the cookie in a mug. Most of the time that's all you need.

  3. I thinks your outfit is cute! Have a great day!
    Angie G.

  4. Love your outfit especially those jeans. I need a new pair of distressed denim jeans... Thanks for sharing those simple desserts, have never had greek yogurt though and I have heard that it taste "different" so I dont know about that...

  5. yes! the heart sweater is a must and i'm sporting one today too. love how you paired yours with the flats + denim. new to your blog by way of the wiww linkup. enjoy your day!


  6. That sweater is so cute! It is perfect for Valentines!

  7. So..I need that shirt for my yesterday?

  8. omg i need a heart sweater, i love it!!!

    (You reminded me i have to get Valentine's cards for the Pre-k class, thanks, lol)


  9. I love your sweater!!! AND I think we have matching shoes this week :) I am going to definitely have to give this cookie in a mug a try :)

  10. Great Ideas! And I Love the Heart Sweater! I hope you and your husband have a great Valentine's Day! :)

  11. Love the heart shirt! I have a pink heart graphic sweater from Old Navy that I just wore last night! Guess I maybe should've saved it for tomorrow.
    That cookie in a mug looks amazing. I really want to try that tonight now.
    Hope that the stub hub tickets are to something amazing! Can't wait to hear what it is!

  12. Stopping by from the Walkabout. That cookie in a mug looks so delicious and might just be exactly what I need today...

  13. I love your outfit! It's my favorite v-day outfit this far! I'm going to feature you in my post next Wednesday! Love how you share recipes here too! Great job.

    Here's what I wore:

  14. Talk about portion control! Ha! I refuse to buy any kind of cookie dough because I WILL make all 24 cookies and I WILL eat as many as I can until I start feeling sick (the magical number seems to be 7... are you embarrassed for me?), and then I WILL hate myself all night because I just ate enough calories for me and everyone else in my apartment complex.

    Sooooo... thanks for eliminating that for me! ;) Cookie in a mug.. genius! :)

  15. Mmmm cookie in a mug sounds so amazing! And I love that heart sweater! It's so cool that it looks like it's dripping, and the way you styled it is fabulous! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!!!

  16. just stopping in from the link up and I love your blog! hope you can check mine out too! xo


  17. That heart sweater is awesome. super cute.
    and I believe I'm gunna try those little recipes.

  18. A cookie in a mug sounds like the best idea ever.

    And great minds think alike...loving the heart sweater, girlfriend!

  19. Cookie in a mug? I am sold! Holy goodness! And I am soooooo curious as to what that Stub Hub purchase is. Keep us posted, okay!!! Thanks so much for linking up, cutie pie! xoxo

  20. I love the outfit :) Where are e jeans from??

  21. Hi there! So I found your blog from the Wednesday Walkabout blog hop and I am a new follower!
    We are in Oahu right now and came from Virginia, I do miss it there but I so love this warm weather!
    Im looking forward to reading more!

  22. I am LOVING the shirt!! you are too cute!

  23. I cannot WAIT to see what you get from Stub Hub!!!

  24. Great idea.My daughter will think a cookie in a mug is the coolest thing ever to make.We made sugar cookies earlier ... in the oven.Gotta try a mug next time.

  25. This post is so cute and so is you heart shirt! Stopping by via 'A lovely Blog Hop!'

  26. You look great! I love the sweater. Thanks for sharing the cookie cup recipe. I can see this being the perfect way to curb my sweet tooth and still make my goal weight!
    Stopping by from Wednesday Walkabout.


  27. that top is so cute! You are adorable! and I want to try that cookie in a mug!

  28. Hey! I found you through aloha Friday blog hop! I'm pretty sure we are so a like!! We seem to blog about most I the same stuff!!
    Love it! New follower!
    Check out my blog!


  29. Seriously, the most adorable/simple outfit ever. Love it!

  30. Oh Kristine, I love your outfit!!...especially the shoes with it!! The cookies in a mug and yogurt both look simple!!

    LA :)

  31. The heart shirt is an obvious and awesome choice. Thanks for linking up!
    Penniless Socialite
    Jewelry Giveaway!

  32. When I saw that sweater, I thought, "now that is the perfect thing to wear on Valentine's Day", ya.

  33. Found you through the blog hop. Love your cute style and that amazing cookie in a cup idea.

    Have a great day!


  34. Hi, I'm a new follower, all your pictures are so beautiful. What camera do you use, also, do you put your camera on a timer or is your husband really patient and willing to take pics of you (mine isn't ha)? thanks :)

  35. I'm puzzled with lots of exercises. I was afraid I could not do the right time despite my hard work. I need a support person.


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