Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Unexpected Color Combo and HOT Pinkness!

I just got a new camera and I'm ready to sell it and buy a different one. We just don't get along.
I've read it's lengthy manual, I've tried each obnoxious switch on the dial but damn't if it doesn't work right!
I think I'm better suited for a regular Nikon or a simpler Cannon.  This DLSR and I do not get along.

On to Polka Dot flowiness and Hot Pink blurriness!

These colors! I might not have considered it until I realized the pants I wanted to wear were dirty, so on went the trusty denim skinny's and of course my beloved camel knee boots.

I always wear earrings. Gold was the obvious choice. But, I barely have the time to get myself ready between two kids and my seemingly always running late syndrom, so I tend to skip other pieces of jewelry. Had I the time, I think layered dainty gold necklaces would've complemented this outfit perfectly!

On to the blurry pics of New Years Eve! Have I mentioned that my camera and I don't get along? We fought at the beginning of the night so I returned the feeling of rejection and picked up my iPhone....

Told you I always have a water bottle in hand! On to the iPhone pics!

Our night started with dinner and drinks at a nearby Irish Pub....just the hubs & I.
It's nice for the two of us to get out and enjoy normal, adult dinner conversation.

After dinner we headed downtown to a crowd of friends. Thank God they had thought ahead and reserved a section. The line at the door was deep and it was cold. Not really my first choice of how I want to spend an hour of my night. So with a quick name drop we slipped downstairs feeling awful for those in line.

The drinks were plenty, the laughter stayed at the volume of a roar, and our dance moves improved or worsened as the night went...depending on how you look at it. I'd like to think they improved.

I avoided sequins....unlike the other 345,590,569 girls. I like sequins but I also like being different. I wore a boho, one should style dress...and thanks to my shittayyyy camera skills not a single picture does the dress justice. Bummer.

Wedges in my opinion are a win, win.
Heels are sexy but ultra hard to dance in.
Right?!? Wedges, however, do the legs alot of good and are tight friends with balance. Something one needs on New Year Eve....

So that's it, people. That's all I have to offer. An unexpected color combo in the name of polka dot fashion (fading or not) and some "Hot"Pink blurriness on my New Years Eve night out with the hubs and friends.

IN OTHER BIG NEWS OF THE DAY....check my TIPS FOR KEEPING GOALS guest post on Lindsay's blog Pursuit of Pink!!! you should totally do it now!

I've linked with Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday and the always stylish Shanna for Random Wednesday as well as the growing and fun hop Walkabout Wednesdays!

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  1. i love that outfit! and i love that you put the colors on the side, lol. Happy New Years to you if I havent told you already


    1. Ha! Thanks :)
      I thought about you when I was trying to do that! You always do beautiful color inspiration boards!

  2. I love love love your polka dot outfit! VERY cute!

    1. Thanks Lisa! Don't know if I've ever worn the "rust" color before but it seemed to work!

  3. I love that pink dress! So perfect for a night out.


    Fashion and Beauty Finds

  4. I love both outfits - especially the hot pink dress! Gorgeous! Happy New Year!

  5. Both outfits are so cute! Love the hot pink. :)

    1. another vote for the hot pink! haha!
      And to think I had my doubts about that dress being too simple?!

  6. Girl you have great legs! Is that a weird thing to say? haha!

    1. Thank youuuuuuuu Sylvia! Not weird at all!
      Gotta give those wedges some credit...they always do the legs good.

  7. I love the polka dot outfit! Great color combo & overall look. :)

    Did your camera come with a warranty? Might be worth sending in to see if they can fix whatever's wonky (focusing problem, whatever it is).

  8. Happy New Year! I found your blog from the feature on Pursuit of Pink and I LOVE it, I am your newest follower!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  9. Love both your outfits! Especially your boots and your hot pink dress!


    Stop by my blog for a chance to win a customized bracelet ($100+ value)!

  10. You look hot girl! It sounds like you rung the new year in perfectly :)

  11. what a cute outfit! I love that top!!

  12. cameras can be so fussy sometimes! i have many of those moments with mine! i am LOVING your boots, though!!

    Enter to Win a Leather Bracelet & Special Edition Photography Book

  13. I felt the same way about my dslr then I got my Nikon and tripod and remote and this girl is happy although I have no clue how it operates either. Big hugs!

  14. That pink dress looks hot on you!!! I want your legs!! Work it girl:)

  15. I love that polka dot shirt! Super cute!

    Dropping in from the link-up!

    Sheena @ A Girl's Guide to Retail Therapy

  16. Hopped over from the Walk About! Love the pics and the outfit is cute! Newest follower :)

  17. Thanks for following! I followed back :) Love the pics and the colour combo!
    Happy New Years!

    Summer x

  18. Love your NYE wedges, who are they by?

  19. Love your polka dot shirt! Also, I always tend to wear wedges over heels, so much more comfortable!

  20. Um, forget about the polka dots and pink dress....let's talk about your legs and arms!!! Holy moly, girl, you are smokin'. I am a big ball of blub compared to you!! And sorry about your camera! That's why I still have my trusty point and shoot. ;) Hope you figure it out. Thanks for linking up!

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