Friday, December 14, 2012

High Five for Friday

I'm not looking forward to the Holiday Break.  Said, no one ever...

I may not be finished with all my shopping and wrapping but I am sooooo ready for our Christmas Break!
The holidays are such a warm, sweet time of the year and the best part is being free from the workplace to enjoy time with your family, maybe even hang in pj's all day, if wanted! Sounds fab, I'm so ready.

Anyone get in on the 12.12.12 celebrations?!
I watched some of the concert and was definitely impressed when I read about Kanye's leather skirt that it has already raised 30 million in profits for Sandy Relief and still counting! I was stopped in my tracks at the gym last night when I saw a group huddled around the TV watching the news on a baby born at 12:12 on 12.12.12. (kinda neat) and I got in on some the workouts designed with the 12.12.12 theme...

Linking up with Lauren for some high fives to another Friday!


1// enjoying a protein smoothie after the gym :) Still going strong with healthy holidays and it's only getting harder as all the goodies get dropped off at my workplace! What happened to fruit baskets?!

2// nice! my craft challenged friend says this to me every year...we should've planned to wrap and chat together over a drink or two.

3// love this ornament. It speaks volumes to me and our family.

4// on that note....Hubby's been working REALLY late hours this week, I miss him so, but love my one on one time with my boys.

5// Zina or Zina-Wina-Bo-Fina as I call her and really I like to sing the rest of the song! (remember it?) She's our sweet American Bulldog, weighing in at more weight than I. She's like a living rug. She has the life.

And BTW !!! there's a "beautiful" giveaway in the works for the New Year! I'll keep you posted!

Take a moment to reflect on the big and small things that make your week more beautiful.


Today I also linked up with Jean @ What Jean Likes for a first at Aloha Fridays....check in all the fun that goes around that hop!

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  1. hello there! found you from the aloha blog hop.

    this christmas i'm not bringing any desserts to dinners but fruit platters instead... gotta keep temptation low, kwim?

    -kathy @ vodka and soda |

  2. kudos for you and having that self-control...mine went out the window weeks ago after my family did cookie day...guess i'll start after they are all gone. huh? ;)

    1. Cookie day is the worst! Dozens and dozens if cookies to taste and swap. It's so hard to say no!

  3. I bring all my Christmas treats into work so that they aren't in my house...and then I avoid the break room at all costs!

  4. love smoothies!! and good for you for eating healthy!!

  5. New follower here from Aloha Friday, would love for you to come by and join my holiday blog hop and follow back?

  6. Your boys are so handsome!!
    And the ornament is perfect. I was a military child and seeing the picture of those boots brings a feeling only "we" know.

    Happy Friday!!

  7. Yay for the holiday break! Cute blog, found you on the H54F link up!

  8. I like the ornament too! Visiting from the Aloha hop. Happy weekend!

  9. Its really good information, i like your blog post. Thanks for sharing
    happy wheels
    happy wheels


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