Wednesday, December 26, 2012

from...The One, Who Stole Christmas

you start with the reason for the season. taking time to focus on all that was given up, for us the have each of these days to cherish.

then you have a hearty breakfast.

and like good brothers help each other open gifts from under the tree.

as you prepare yourself for all the places to go and people to see, you think back to the day before and remember the sweet new wheels you got, the hard work you and your cousin put into cooking,
and you thank your big brother for letting you, again, steal the show.

all of this, is too much and the day is still young, you pass out on the floor as you and your brother almost did the day before.

you awake to Christmas feasts, family, and more presents. again, you steal the show.

thankfully, us other lovelies got in for a pic or two. Great Grandma's. Grandma's. And sisters (one pregnant with round two).

and for dessert, we paused to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus. A tradition my mom started years ago.
soon you'll understand why.

from three different camera's (don't ask) and a view from the little guy who stole Christmas......
we hope you felt as blessed as we did. We hope your home was overfilled with laughter, love, and generosity.  We hope you kept within your the heart the reason for the season and were not lost within the hustle and bustle required by each of us, on what can be, the busiest day of the year.

At times we lost sight of it and have talked about how to ensure it becomes more prominent in the celebrations for years to come.

Things we'll miss most about this Christmas season....

-being minutes away from family and friends. Next years Christmas is "still to be told" as we will be living in Colorado.
-being secure in our family of 4 being together...see mention above, between the lines most likely holds a hint that hubby could be deployed.
-the lights. Our neighbors home is on the tacky light Christmas tour, it's been such a joy to see the lights from our front porch.
-the generosity and togetherness the season prompts. As difficult as it can be to find the perfect gift and be when and where, it's a thrill.
-the sheer excitement in our children's eyes brought on only by the wonder found in this season.

Tell me, how was your Christmas?! 
Point me to your stories so the Joy of Christmas can go on!

P.S. Thanks to the shockingly WARM Christmas weather we enjoyed...mine and the hubs outfits were rather last minute. See, when you're sweating before you even the know better than to wear the wool sweaters (originally planned) to another house, full of Merry. So if you came to find some form of fashion...have a look at last week's post of Leopard.Bows.and Naughty Snowman.

P. to the P.S. I won't ever dump that many photo's on you again!! errrr....unless it's one of their birthdays or next years Christmas!

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I've linked with Random Wednesday brought to you by Shanna and linking with Walkabout Wednesday!
Linking up with Katherine for Thursday Favorite Things 


  1. Your family is just adorable! I'm glad y'all had a Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks Ashlyn! You always say such sweet things :)
      Hope your holidays were good and filled with cheer!!

  2. Your family is beautiful!!! :) Such a wonderful Christmas you had.

    1. Thanks Jen! We did our best considering there was always somewhere to be!
      Glad you got to enjoy a wonderful Christmas in your new home :)

  3. Hi Kristine! Merry Christmas! We enjoyed a white christmas complete with a walk to/from the movies in the frigid tempuratures. It was refreshing! I have a new camera to play around with and I'm excited to learn all of its features. I used to live in Colorado. Are you headed to the springs? Thanks for your sweet comment! :o) Esther Norine Designs

    1. A new camera! How fun! If you find a good tutorial, do share!
      We are headed to the springs...Fort Carson to be exact. I'm starting to get really excited and nervous about it!
      Glad your holidays were wonderful and kuddo's to slipping in some exercise!

  4. Hey, new follower from the blog hop. Great photos! :) Looking forward to reading more!


  5. I'm a new follower my dear!! Your blog is so darn cute!! I really love it!!

    The pictures you captured will be treasured, I'm sure. :) I love them and it looks like y'all had a wonderful holiday!! xo!!


    1. Thanks Kenzie! Glad you found me :)
      Excited to get over to your blog and check ya out!

  6. What great pictures! It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Christmas was wonderful, I'm almost, almost sad it's over! Hope yours was too! Looking forward to New Years celebrations :)

  7. Your boys look just like you. Merry Christmas!

  8. you have a beautiful family. Your Christmas was filled with happy. Thank you for sharing at the hop xo P.S. not to many photos either :-)

    1. Ha! Thanks for saying "not to many photos" it's so hard to not share all the joy of our Christmas! The hop's been fun, happy to be a part of it!

  9. Great pictures. It looks like you guys had a fantastic Christmas!

    1. It was! We always look forward to Christmas...the kids make it all the more fun :)

  10. Love your Christmas story. We are far from most of our family and Christmas is different, you make your own new traditions. Facebook is also great for keeping up with family during the holiday

    1. You're so right Chrishelle. We do have to make our own traditions especially when family is far away. And, thank God for Facebook, I get such a kick out of all the grandma's on there...keeping up with the grandkids!

  11. Happy New Year!I love your blog. I found you through Aloha Blog Hop. Stop by and say hi if you get a minute. :)

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