Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Wreathe {Poinsettia} Tutorial

Easy Christmas wreathe of felt and yarn.
And lots of hot glue with the option to sew instead!

poinesttia christmas wreathe, christmas wreathe tutorial, felt flowers

This wreathe was fun and easy to make.
Each flower was made in a different way.
The two large flowers were created with hot glue and the smaller was sewn together.
Have fun with this project and see which way is best for you!

poinesttia christmas wreathe, christmas wreathe tutorial, felt flowers
It was hard to stop and take pictures while making this Christmas Poinsettia Wreathe, so I collaged together what pictures I managed to take.

Basically, my oldest son and I free-handed the petal shapes.
Our largest petals are ~4 inches long, the medium ~3 inches long, and the small ~2 inches.
I've seen some tutorials that suggest cutting rectangles at these lengths then rounding edges to petal shapes.
We just winged it! These kind of projects are sometimes more fun this way. Other times, not so much.
We lucked out. My son and I finished this in one hour.

Wrap the wreathe once with yarn, tie knot, then secure with dot of glue. Spend 30 minutes wrapping the wreathe with yarn, finish the same way you started, securing knot with glue. This area will be covered with your grouping of poinsettia's.

For the "hot glued" poinsettia's, we pinched/glued each petal at the base, alternating petal sizes and glueing them together. Once the circle of petals was full enough and completed, we then snagged 3 wired berries from the embellishment and forced the wires through the center. This covered all the hot glue, made the poinsettia much more pretty and gave us something to help secure the flower to the wreathe form.

For the small flower sewn together...we layed alternating sized petals in a row, then simply ran one knotted thread through each petal and pulled it tight, securing with a knot! This method was uber easy!

poinesttia christmas wreathe, christmas wreathe tutorial, felt flowers

poinesttia christmas wreathe, christmas wreathe tutorial

Super easy wreathe to make with the classic colors of Christmas.
Hope you try making this poinsettia wreathe for your home or as a great holiday gift!

poinesttia christmas wreathe, christmas wreathe tutorial, felt flowers

We played with the idea of hanging it inside, over our curtains, we tried hanging it outside, since our front porch is covered. But in the end, we choose to be "normal" and just hang it on the front door!

Share with me what Christmas decorations you've made for your home!
Are you ever inspired to create your own design? 
Ever "wing" it and ignore the directions?

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I've linked with Tutu's and Teaparties - Pinteresting Party and Serenity Now - Weekend Bloggy Reading
as well as ILYMTC for another round of Hey That's Pintastic!


  1. I love this wreath! It's so festive and I love the bright red color and the silver berrries... just gorgeous! I'm following from the follow + find blog hop! Can't wait to read more :)

  2. Hi there! I stopped by through the Tutus and Tea parties Pinterest Linky. I pinned your post on my Christmas board. Here's the link I'd like to be pinned :
    Thank you from Paris ;)
    Bisous, Sparkle

  3. Your wreath is gorgeous!! The flowers really 'pop' :) I love that your son helped with the flowers, it's always nice when we can include them too!

    If you want check out the wreath I made for my daughter's room

  4. Hi Kristine!

    Just wanted to stop in and pay you a little visit, also say thanks for linking up with followers to friends! I've been wanting to do one of these wreaths, but haven't had the time. Yours turned out wonderfully!

    Wildflowers 3

  5. -سابعاً:- قم بتحديد جميع متعلقاتك وأثاث منزلك وقم بتحديد ما سوف يناسب الموضع الذي سوف تنتقل إليه والأشياء التي سوف لا تتناسب مع ذلك المقر كي تقوم بجردها والقضاء عليها قبل بداء عملية النقل لتيسير وتوفير مقر لسهولة حركة النقل فبإمكانك وبحركة طفيفة التخلص من كل ذلك العناء بوضع وعاء داخل كل حجرة ومع كل فرد من أشخاص العائلة بجمع كل شيء التي ستقوم بالتخلص منها سواء ببيعها أو ستقوم بالتخلص منها بأي أسلوب أخرى، وكل ذلك حتي لا تقوم بنقل هذه الأشياء التي لا احتياج لها وتضطر بنقلها والقضاء عليها عقب كل ذلك المجهود والمجهود المبذول في عملية النقل.شركة نقل عفش
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