Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Carving out time for me...the pumpkins can wait!

Hello October!

Don't you just love a fresh start?!
I can't be the only mom whose happy September is over!
September was a busy month  -much like the holiday months.

We've had a successful return to school.
6th grade is proving difficult yet fun for our oldest son.
We are ALL learning how to prioritize the homework load and football league demands.
And the little one...he's transitioning into toddler daycare!
Both boys are thriving in their new settings.

Me...I feel like I'm dragging!
I've been so absorbed in their needs that I've lost sight of my own and what makes me happy!

So I'm {carving} out time for me.

First cut is the most important one, right?
And the winner is, fitness.
I have got to get back into my regular Fitness routine. NO more of this 1 or 2 days a week.
My body needs it. And so does my soul. I know better.
When I go days without fitness I get achy and cranky.
And that doesn't do anyone any good. So back to the gym I go!

Second cut. Not nearly as important but necessary.
I'm going to allow myself a 'treat' one afternoon a month.
It might be a manicure. A message. A trip to the mall. But I'm doing it.

And finally my bedroom needs attention!
We've designed and decorated every room in the house, even the front porch, see here.
But our own room. It's been totally neglected. We moved here almost 3 years ago and still haven't hung the first picture in our room! Even the full length mirror fell apart. Has it been replaced. No! As a result, I've probably left the house lookin' a mess.
I hear this complaint from a lot of other mothers and it's time to do something about it!
You might remember my yard sale post. See here if you missed it.
It was a huge success. I think we'll impose a budget and use some of our yard sale funds to redo our bedroom. I'll keep you posted on it.
You know what this really means, right? I'll be pinning "GAW-JUSS" bedrooms on Pinterest! So if you follow me on Pinterest, enjoy the awesome bedroom pins.

Ok, I lied...one more {carving} of time for mommy.
I will be spending more time on my blog this month.
I am too HTML illiterate Type A to design this blog page myself
so I'm getting help from RP Designs.
And...putting all these flooding thoughts for my blog into action.
My focus for this blog has evolved over the past month.
You'll see a new name, broader topics and postings...more than just staying fit.
I'm excited, you should be too!

Sounds like a fun month!
A face-lift to my blog, a freshly done bedroom, a better rump and 10 beautiful nails in a new Essie Fall Collection color. If haven't seen Essie's new colors...check 'em out!

By month's end I'll have a smile as big as a Jack-O-Lantern's. Minus the snaggle tooth.

Since day 1 of October is done and I'm sure you'd rather not see sweaty gym pics....
I"ll leave you with some beautiful, inspirational bedrooms pieces...

Source: houzz.com via Kristine on Pinterest

I'm loving this direction! What do you think? 

Would your hubby mind the pops of yellow?


  1. I love that you are carving out time for all those things. Fitness does the soul good! and can I come with you for your monthly manicure, mall trip??! AND I am also in the process of a bedroom makeover! Can't wait to see what you do and love these inspiration pieces!

    1. Bet my mall trip will be more like a shopping spree at Target for our bedroom! Excited for you to makeover your bedroom...I'll follow along rooting you thru any DIY craziness or de-cluttering stress...and (really) I'll be looking for more pics of Alaska and that Crossfit Competition!


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