Friday, September 7, 2012


3 minutes late to tonight TRX class...cost me 400-500 calories and an incredible workout!

Getting a family of 4 to the gym after a full day of work can be a struggle.
Being 3 minutes late to class can mean that those on the wait list get your reserved spot.
So what were me and the hubby to do....get our butts on some Gym Equipment!

Bicep Curls @ 60lbs...AMRAP style w/ static reps

We did what we could with what was available. And ended with a balanced workout.
I don't always recm'd the 3 reps of 8 but it's a standby to make sure you complete a decent workout. 

AMRAP is A FAVORITE of mine.

The idea of (X amount of Reps)  X's  (a certain #)  ...isn't quite proven to be most effective.
The body will respond to TIMED PRIORITY WORKOUTS = AMRAP in an amazing way!

After being denied our hour of TRX....
hubby and I still burned calories and "sweat out" the work week's stresses.

Treadmill @ 9:30mpm (1mile)
 Bench Presses (24 @ 65lb) 
Bicep Curls (AMRAP @ 60lb, 1min)
Leg Presses (32 @ 175lb)
Tricep Pull Downs (24 @ 20lb)
Bend Over Rows (24 @ 85lb)
Barbell Squats (32 @ 75lb) 
StairMaster.....UNAVAILABLE....another bummer!

Bicep Curls (21 curls @15lb and 14 curls @ 12.5lb)
Oblique Crunches balanced on rump (6lb medicine ball) AMRAP  in 1minute x2

Pull Ups (24 w/ hubby's assistance)
Ab crunches (AMRAP in 1minute)
Half Plank (4:15 minutes)
 part of my #plankaday challenge!



  1. At my club, Phoenix Pro Fitness, people are often surprised at how few pieces of fixed resistance and cardio machines we have. In truth, there just isn't a real need for them here. Bowflex Coupon Code 2014


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