Saturday, September 15, 2012

Race Day - 5k

5k on a gorgeous Saturday morning.
Nice way to start the weekend.
We began our morning at 6am. 
Our breakfast -homemade peanut butter (click here for recipe)
 on whole wheat toast, a banana, and a whey protein shake.
We took the boys to grandma's.
And made our way to the park where another 290 people lined up 
to race for a great cause.

Miles for Smiles 5k was put on by the school of dentistry at our local University, VCU.
All proceeds go to M.O.M. (Missions of Mercy) a program sponsered by A.D.A. (American Dental Association) allowing free dental care to those less fortunate. This 5k raised over $11,000!

After a picture with "Molar Mike" 
Molar Mike @ Miles for Smiles, VCU

We jogged down to the lake to warm up our muscles for the race. 
It's tempting to hang out in the crowd and be social but we know the importance of warming up and stretching prior to running 3.1 miles. The park was so pretty and full of sunshine.

Finally, the music started queuing us to the start line....

Mile 1 - 10:01 minutes                    Finish Line Time -29:53
                 Mile 2 - 9:35 minutes                     Award -3rd in my age group (30-34)  
   Mile 3 - 9:12 minutes                    Fastest Pace -7:17 min.mile

How very exciting!!! 
beat my goal of running 3.1 miles in less than 30 minutes
 AND placed 3rd in my age group! 
Go me!!!
My hubby also placed 3rd in his age group. 
He could of placed 1st or 2nd but he stayed at my pace thru the whole race, 
very sweet of him.

Hubby and I crossing the finish line @ 29:53

One of my goals is to be able to run more than 3.1 miles without breaking. 
I've yet to achieve that goal. 
But I have surpassed my goal of running 3.1 miles in less than 30 minutes.
I'm a happy running momma!
Stay Fit Mom 4Life


  1. I am currently training for the Tough Mudder here in KY and have been on the lookout for a good protein powder. What you do you suggest/prefer?

  2. Hey!I'm jealous! I've always wanted to do a Tough Mudder Event...the closest I'm getting to that is the Pretty Mud Run! anyways...we've tried lots and our favorite is GNC AMP. It breaks down fast so the body absorbs more than it waste. I like the chocolate flavor with really cold water. I use one scoop and 6 oz water instead of the suggested 12 oz water and 3 scoops (after workouts and sometimes in the morning as brkfst). Another good protein powder is syntha-6. They're both very comparable and whey based. Good Luck with the Tough Mudder! Excited for u!

    1. Thanks! I am very excited!! I will have to check out the GNC AMP, greatly appreciate the suggestion!

  3. So do the protein shakes give you a feeling of fullness if you have them for breakfast?

    1. Good question! I've tried to judge that. I don't feel full or bloated after having one. I only use 1 scoop to 6oz water so that's ~100 calories...not nearly enough for meal replacement. I still have my granola bar and banana about an hour later(typical brkfst). If you take the suggested serving of 3 scoops it should fill you up @ 300 cal, 7 g carb, and 60 g protein and you could always use milk instead of water to add weight to it!


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